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From what I’ve seen so far, I think Sibiu is the most beautiful city in our country. We were so lucky to see it early in the morning, before the city center got extra crowded. We woke up at 4 in the morning and left Bucharest at about 5 o’clock. By 8 o’clock we were in the city center with my Ever Pretty bride dress shooting under the Lies’ Bridge. It was a warm morning and loved the flowers all around and the colourful buildings. My favourite part was this bridge, of course and also the little attic windows of the houses that looked like some mystical eyes watching the outside world. It is really magical and if you haven’t been there, you don’t know what you’re missing on. After shooting this amazing mermaid dress from Ever Pretty, we went to get a coffee and almost got it for free because the girl serving it thought that it was my wedding day. 😛

We then left to Cluj where Adrian had a concert later that day and unfortunately couldn’t explore more of Sibiu, but this means we have to go back as soon as possible. Who else has been there and what did you like the most?

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larisa costea, larisa style, larisa in romania,visit romania, romania, tourism, sibiu, sibiu country, sibiu city, podu minciunilor sibiu,piata mica sibiu, cladiri sibiu, sedinta fotosibiu,mireasa, bride,wedding photography,wedding photographer, ideas, creative photos, romania magica, ever pretty,mermaid dress, white dress,bride dress, rochie demiraesa, dantela,sirena, rochie de sirena, lace dress, simple dress, up do,old town, city center, biserica fortificata din sibiu, biserica evanghelica sibiu, flowers, bridal, bertha bridal, amazing wedding photography

I was wearing
Ever Pretty mermaid bride’s dress
Sam Edelman sandals