Saganaki and Souvlaki recipe


Hey you guys! This Sunday I have a yummy and healthy recipe for you: Saganaki and Souvlaki on a bed of vegetables. It is a really sunny day and I took lunch on my white balcony with some friends. Such a delicious treat should be accompanied by a fresh lemonade.




1 pound (about 1/2 kg) of feta cheese
1/2 cup of olive oil
2/3 cup of flour for dredging
2-3 lemons, quartered


1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup red wine
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. dried mint
1 tbsp. dried oregano
4 cloves of garlic, smashed and minced finely
1 bay leaf, crumbled into tiny pieces
1 lb. pork shoulder, trimmed of fat and cut into 1 ¼ inch cubes
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Lemon (for serving)



Cut the cheese into slices or wedges that are 1/2 inch thick by 2 1/2 to 3 inches wide. Moisten each slice with cold water and dredge in the flour. In a pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat, and sear each slice in 1 tablespoon of oil until golden-brown on both sides.


In a large non-reactive bowl, whisk the marinade ingredients together. Add the pork cubes, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.

If using wooden skewers, soak these in a shallow pan filled with water while the meat marinates.

Heat the grill to medium high. Thread the meat on to the skewers (about 6-7 pieces per skewer). Season the pork with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Grill over medium high heat for about 10 minutes, turning occasionally until they are cooked through. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice on the skewers before serving.


Serve hot with a last-minute squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

