Gloss Sensation

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Am trecut prin ceva schimbari legate de par in ultimele luni pentru ca ma plictisesc repede si mereu vreau sa schimb ceva la aspectul meu. Insa am simtit ca niciuna din aceste schimbari nu ma reprezentau si am vrut sa revin la culoarea mea naturala. De aceea a ales noua vopsea de par fara amoniac Syoss Gloss Sensation care mi-a inchis parul putin, lasandu-l extrem de stralucitor. Pachetul contine si un balsam menit sa sigileze culoarea si pastrand-o pana la 8 saptamani.

Nu am facut aceasta postare doar sa ma laud cu parul meu proaspat vopsit ci pentru a va oferi si voua stralucirea Syoss Gloss Sensation daca imi povestiti o intamplare amuzanta in comentarii, mai jos, despre cum v-ati dorit o schimbare cu parul vostru si s-a transformat in ceva neplacut, alaturi de adresa voastra de e-mail pentru a va putea contacta. Sunt peste 20 de nuante din care puteti alege. Noi vom alege 3 castigatoare saptamana viitoare si le vom anunta aici. Mult noroc tuturor!

Eu am folosit nuanta Saten Pralina 6-1 si am purtat aici o camasa alba Shein, pantaloni Zara si pantofii mei preferati lately de la Kurt Geiger.

Castigatoarele giveaway-ului sunt:

Roxana Constantin:

Vilcu Iulia:

Ioana Gheorghita:


larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hair, beautiful hair,hair dye, syoss, syoss gloss sensation, praline brown,loose curls,volume,hair,hair care, hair style, whiteshirt, office look,shein, zara,kurt geiger, moroccan carpet ,chabichic ,rue du maroc

I was wearing:

Shein white shirt (size M) Zara pants
Kurt Geiger stilettos

Syoss Gloss Sensation Praline Brown 6-1

Carpet from ChabiChic Morocco