Morning in Fira

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

Primavara este sezonul cand totul revine la viata, mai stralucitor si luminos parca ca niciodata. Asta se intampla mai mereu si in garderoba mea in acest sezon si am inceput sa adaug deja cateva articole cool pe care vreau sa vi le prezint azi.

Desi in Santorini este vara deja, dimineata in care am decis sa fotografiem acest look a fost una fresh de primavara pe strazile vopsite impecabil in alb si albastru si pe langa oalele din lut pline cu flori pastelate. Cum am mai mentionat in postari anterioare volanele si printul cu dungi de orice fel sunt foarte ‘in’ in acest sezon si m-am gandit de ce sa nu le combim pe ambele intr-o singura tinuta. M-am indragostit de acest top cu volane la prima vedere si de versatilitatea lui. Va voi arata in postari viitoare diverse moduri de a-l purta, insa pentru Santorini mi s-a parut perfecta combinatia cu acesti pantaloni lungi evazati cu dungi in diferite nuante de albastru ce s-au potrivit perfect in fundalul de vis al insulei. Nu stiu daca ati apucat sa vedeti noua colectie de primavara TGH Fashion care este uimitoare plina de articole extrem de feminine si unice. Trebuie sa aruncati o privire in shop-ul lor!

Pentru o tinuta atat de delicata si fresh a trebuit sa adaug niste accesorii tot in una din culorile anului si am ales geanta rotunda Concept 15, care combina doua nuante pudrate de roz si un lant auriu ce o poate o face usor de purtat in mai multe feluri.

Bijuteriile fac mereu diferenta si completeaza orice tinuta. Tot in culorile anului am ales aceste inele Pandora ce par bomboane pe degetele mele. Croiala topului cerea un colier lung si celebra bratara iconica Pandora nu putea lipsi din acest fundal cu noile charmuri din colectia de primavara cu model de ‘floare de nu-ma-uita‘ in nuante pastelate, straluctitoare, lucrate in detaliu.

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, hotel, Athens, atena, Greece, grecia, hellas, santorini, fira,oia, pyrgos, white and blue, streets, travel, traveller, traveler, tgh fashion,carla collection, flared riviera pants, striped pants,ruffled top, pantaloni evazati, top cu volane, pandora, pandora spring collection 2016, forget me not flower, collection, jewelry, concept 15, concept 15 bag, geanta rotunda, round bag, sage nude bag, san marino suites, sanmarino suites santorini, fira, thera, jessica buurman nude sandals, soft curls, spring outfit, summer outfit, vacation, holiday outfit, ootd, lotd, feminine, gentle, grace blused pink, pantone, serenity blue, qartz pink, ship, view, view in santorini,morning in santorini

I was wearing:

TGH Fashion ruffled crop top
TGH Fashion flared striped pants
Concept 15 Sage nude bag
Pandora jewelry from the new spring collection
Jessica Buurman sandals

Thanks for the lovely stay in Fira to San Marino Suites Santorini
