Venetian balcony

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Ultimele noastre zile din Venetia au fost si cele mai frumoase. Am stat la Centurion Palace cu vedere spre Canale Grande, parul meu a aratat excelent, am gasit rochia alba midi perfecta si vremea a fost uimitoare. Ce altceva mi-as mai fi putut dori? Poate si mai mult par frumos. 😛

De ceva vreme folosesc un produs pentru par minunat si stiu ca multe din voi ati observat deja ca am foarte mult volum in ultima vreme. Asta nu este pentru ca il tapez, acest proces nu este chiar preferatul meu pentru ca de cele mai multe ori nu arata prea natural, ci este pentru ca am descoperit un produs foarte bun. Am parul des, sa ne intelegem, insa nu va puteti imagina cat de des era inainte de a-mi incepe activitatea cu blogul si a il usca, placui si ondula aproape zilnic. Folosind multa caldura si fixativ atat de des l-a facut foarte sensibil si mult mai rar. Dar cea mai mare si enervanta problema a fost aceea ca in fiecare zi gaseam foarte mult par prin casa, in baie, in pat, pe podea, in genti si pe fiecare jacketa pe care o am, chiar daca nu il periam in acea zi. De aceea am inceput sa caut remedii la aceasta problema.

Am inceput sa folosesc fiolele cu tratament impotriva caderii parului de la Valquer Profesional ce este un remediu natural cu placenta care contine toate vitaminele si aminoacizii necesari parului, dar care din diverse cauze se pierd. Le folosesc de trei saptamani si deja vad mai putine fire de par in perie si aproape deloc prin casa. Cred ca puteti observa si din pozele mele ca am ceva mai mult volum si multe fire mici de par ce cresc din nou. Se aplica imediat dupa ce ma spal pe par, la radacina si nu necesita clatire.

Valquer Profesional are si mai multe produse pentru ingrijire si impotriva caderii parului ce completeaza acest tratament: sampon, balsam si un serum pentru stralucire pe care abia astept sa il incerc. Mereu sunt in cautare de un ulei de par bun, avand parul cret si usor deshidratat. Va anunt si pe voi de rezultate dupa ce il incerc. 😛

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larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, venice,venezia,veneto, fashion blogger in venice, venice, italy, great hair, volume,shiny hair, hair loss treatment, fiolepentru par, tratament impotriva caderii parului, valquer profesional, placenta capilar, tratament cu placenta, placenta hair treatment, natural treatment, venetian balcony, italian balconies,italy, italia, travel blogger,great pictures, centurion pallace, 5 star hotel, five star hotel,luxury, centurion pallace venice, grand canal, canale grande, my bandage dress, white bandage dress, midi dress, off the shoulders, curves, gold sandals, giuseppe zanotti, jessica buurman, handmane by anca pop, name necklace, larisa necklace,plane charm, plane necklace

hotel Centurion 0046

I was wearing:

My bandage dress white midi dress
Jessica Buurman gold sandals
Handmade by Anca Pop name and plane necklace


Centurion Palace Venice