French mood

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Guys, chiar cred ca trebuie sa imi iau bilete pentru Paris ASAP, chiar daca am ratat Paris Fashion Week-ul, pentru ca in ultima vreme m-am simtit foarte inspirata de stilul Parisian chic si am tinuta de azi ca inca o dovada. Am profitat putin de ultimlele zile insorite inainte de octombrie cel ploios si am mers la o plimbare in micul Paris. M-am oprit inainte sa iau micul dejul la locul meu preferat din Bucuresti, Brutariile Paul si am gustat noilelor tarte cu fructe. Sunt extraordinar de delcioase! Daca nu le-ati gustat inca, va recomand!

Am purtat noul meu top bleu de la Chicwish pe care il am si pe roz cu o fusta alba midi si o bereta beige ce m-a transpus imediat in filmul meu frantuzesc. Imi place mult croiala pe bie a acestui top si detaliul cu fundite de pe maneci, de asemenea are umerii liberi si asta il face topul meu preferat.

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larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, paris, little paris, french chic,french style,chicwish,chicwish top, off the shoulder top,bow sleeves,white skirt, cone skirt, beige sandals, beige beret, french beret, paul,brutariile paul, mvmt watch,white watch,bucharest

I was wearing:

Chicwish blue off the shoulders top
Zara skirt, similar here
Jessica Buurman beige sandals
MVMT watch
Vintage beret, similar here

Royal Rose Bucharest white roses in a black cone