
larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

Giethoorn a fost cel mai frumos loc, in opinia mea, din tot acest trip in Olanda si oricat de mult mi-au placut campurile cu lalele, zambile si narcise, acest mic orasel mi-a dat cel mai relaxant sentiment ever. Am fost super norocosi sa putem merge pe canele si podurile lui aproape singuri, pentru ca atunci se sarbatorea Ziua Regelui in Olanda si toata lumea era in oraseele mai mari unde erau organizate tot felul de activitati festive. Pe noi nu ne-a deranjat sa vedem orasul aproape pustiu si chiar ne-am simtit privilegiati sa mergem aproape singuri prin orasul ce nu are drumuri pentru masini ci doar stradute inguste, canale si aproape 180 de poduri. Acele case pareau scoase dintr-un basm iar gradinile lor erau aranjate perfect, intregind perfect scenariul magic. Totul arata de parca timpul s-a oprit in loc si toata agitatia din orasele mari era un zgomot de mult uitat in acest loc. Chiar magic!

Am purtat o rochie foarte lejera de la Ever Pretty cu doua volane romantice in partea de sus pe care am asortat-o cu sandale roz mai inchis si o palarie mare din paie legata la spate. S-a potrivit perfect cu toate florile din jur si cred ca aceasta rochie este perfecta si pentru un eveniment important ce are loc ziua sau pentru domnisoarele de onoare.

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

larisa costea,larisa style,larisa costea blog,giethoorn,fashion blogger in holland,holland, tulip firlds, no roads,most peaceful town in the world, 180 bridges,little venice,venice ofthe north, ever pretty,bridesmaid dress, bridesmaids, big hat, straw hat, oversized straw hat, pink dress, ruffled dress, romatic town, romantic dress,pink sandals, sam edelman,larisa in holland, travelblogger,traveler,wanderlust, travel the world, always traveling, on thr road, flowers,spring, blooming trees, ducks

I was wearing:
Ever Pretty pink ruffles dress
Asos oversized straw hat
Sam Edelman sandals