La Source

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

A venit in sfarsit momentul sa va arat prima mea postare din Maroc. De data aceasta am ales sa mergem putin mai la Sud pentru a avea parte de vreme cat mai calduroasa. Este chiar uimitor cum in luna decembrie poate fi atat de cald aici si te poti bucura de ocean si de soare in fiecare zi. Cred ca ne-am si bronzat putin, insa nu am exagerat pentru ca oricum am fost mai mereu pe drumuri, incercand sa descoperim cat mai multe orase si satuce autentice.

Primul loc in care am stat a fost La Source Taghazout. Este o cladire foarte frumoasa de apartamente cu o vedere de vis. Poti vedea atat oceanul de la fiecare dintre camerele lor, cat si un deal arid ce arata perfect in contrast cu albastrul apei. Mi-a placut mult ca soarele a fost mereu in fata noastra de la rasarit pana la apus si cat de cozy si bine echipate erau apartamentele. Locul meu preferat a fost langa piscina pe aceste paturi super comode, insa nici vederea de la restaurant nu era deloc rea. Am putut sa ne bucuram de un view extraordinar cu oceanul si surferii din dotare in fiecare dimineata cand luam micul dejun, care este extraordinar, by the way. Suc de portocale proaspat, msemen, oua si cafea cu lapte, ce pot cere mai mult!? In timpul cinei lumina se schimba complet si apusul se vedea magic din spatele geamurilor imense din tavan pana la podea. Mi-au placut enorm primele zile petrecute in Maroc si mainly multumita acestui loc superb in care am stat.

Abia astept sa va arat mai multe din experienta mea de aici in urmatoarele postari, asa ca stay tuned!

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larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

larisa costea, larisa costea log, fashion blog, travel blog, best location, best destination, best hotels, apartments, la source, la source taghazout, taghazout, agadir, morocco, maroc, morocan trip, trip, south morocco, traveler, wanderlust, best destination in december, hot destination during winter, winter in morocco, ootd, vacation, outfot inspiration, revolve, revolveme, lovers + friends, lovers and friends, tweed suit, tweed set, chanel inspired, delalle sunglasses, chloe, bag, beige bag, white sandals, zara, primark white tee, co-ords, pink set, pearl headband, fruits, pool area, best restaurant, breakfast, dinner, msemen, surfers, best place for surf, waves

I was wearing:
Primark tee
Lovers + Friends blazer
Lovers + Friends shorts
Zara sandals
Jessica Buurman bag
Anna Dumitru headband
Delalle sunglasses

Location: La Source Taghazout