Smart festival

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

Am cateva amintiri frumoase de la festivalul Summer Well de anul acesta si pentru asta trebuie sa le multumesc celor de la smart care m-au provocat sa imi asortez tinutele de festival cu masina si pentru intreaga experienta. In plus trebuie sa va spun un mic secret rusinos de-al meu pe care imi este greu sa il impartasesc. Am carnet de conducere de mai bine de 7 ani insa am luat o pauza cam mare de la condus si mereu mi-a fost frica sa ma reapuc. Din fericire smart nu m-a provocat numai sa creez tinute ci si sa incep sa conduc din nou. Noul smart forfour mi-a fost chiar de ajutor datorita dimensiunilor reduse care mi-au permis sa parchez usor si sa ma strecor prin intersectiile aglomerate din oras care ma sperie atat de tare. De asemenea, ca o fashionista ce sunt nu am putut sa nu observ bordul si designul interior care mi-au dat si inspiratie pentru crearea tinutelor de festival.

Tinutele au fost toate boho bineinteles in stilul meu preferat din aceasta vara .Pentru prima tinuta din ziua in care am ridicat masina am ales un kimono beige Shein alaturi de blugi scurti albastri si cizmele mele preferate cu aspect vintage. In prima zi de festival am ales sa port tot un kimono Shein insa navy de data aceasta cu blugi scurti negri si cizme negre iar in cea de-a doua zi am purtat o rochie lunga comoda in acelasi stil bohemian.

Acesoriul care nu a putut lipsi dintr-un weekend de festival a fost acest ceas din lemn de la Konifer. Asa ca am ajuns la timp la concerte si am pastrat nuanta hippie a tinutelor mele cu acest ceas handmade. Este o piesa foarte originala si de aceea am purtat-o in doua din tinutele mele.

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, summer festival, summer well, summer well 2015, smart, noul smart, smart summer, smart for four, smart romania, test drive, boho looks, festival looks, kimono, ripped shorts, denim, long boho dress, oots, look of the day, fashionista, inspiration, driver, girl, fun, summer, sunset, shooting

I was wearing:

Look I

Shein beige kimono
Shein blue denim shorts
Romwe black top
Free People vintage look boots
Lulu’s fringed bag
Konifer wooden watch

Look II

Shein navy kimono (size M)
Shein black ripped shorts
Zara white top from
Jessica Buurman boots
Konifer wooden watch

Look III

Shein long camel dress
Free People vintage look boots

All matched with a red smart forfour