Lunch break

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Imi plac zilele de luni. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, iubesc weekend-urile petrecute alaturi de familie insa ma simt putin nefolositoare sa nu imi impartasesc noile tinute cu voi, sa raspund la e-mailuri si sa nu fiu activa, practic. Azi vreau sa va arat o tinuta de-a mea pe care o imbrac ori decate ori am o intalnire si o zi full fara sa o gandesc si sa o planuiesc cu mult timp in avans. Este un mare avantaj pentru mine ca lucrez in domeniul modei unde intalnirile nu trebuie sa fie atat de formale si pot purta un look mai detasat si business in acelasi timp ca cel din postarea de azi. Am purtat un blazer capa navy Romwe si un top din matase pe sub cu blugi rupti Shein si balerini lace up. Pentru a cara cu mine toate cele necesare unei zile active am ales geanta Harper neagra de la Concept 15 care este geanta perfecta pentru intalniri.

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

Larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, spring outfit, business casual, romwe, romwe navy cape, blazer cape, silk top, grey silk top, zara top, kurtmann,, shein, shein ripped jeans, ripped jeans, boyfriend jeans, zara flats, lace up shoes, concept 15 bag, concept 15, haroer bag croc bag, zero uvsunglasses, star sunnies, miss mary a little, string necklace, chocker, starbucks, ice coffe, frappe frappucino, meetings look, fashion, fashion blogger, travel blogger, beauty blogger, bucharest

I was wearing:

Romwe navy cape (size S)
Zara silk top from
Shein ripped jeans
Zara lace up flats
Concept 15 blach Harper bag
Triwa watchMiss Mary a Little string necklace and bracelet
Zero UV sunnies