Coffee, make-up and interview

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Iubesc sa ma machiez si sa imi aranjez parul si cred ca am evoluat mult in ceea ce priveste acest aspect, de cand am blogul. Uitandu-ma inapoi realizez cat de multe am invatat de la toate evenimentele de beauty si workshop-urile pentru par, de la oameni extrem de talentati din intreaga lume. Azi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi cateva din acele mici trucuri pe care eu le-am invatat de la specialisti si care pe mine m-au ajutat enorm in evolutia imaginii mele si a acestui blog.

Asa ca, luati-va cana de cafea si daca nu ati urmarit deja micul interviu de pe PRO TV de la Vorbeste Lumea, dati play la video-ul de mai jos si hai sa ne petrecem dimineata impreuna cu machiaj, pensule si ustensile pentru par.

Special thanks for the most amazing flowers to Royal Rose Bucharest and for the cozy location to Soffitta Lounge!

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vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog

vorbeste lumea,interviu,interview,pro tv, romanian television, make-up, hair,machiaj, par, trucuri de make-up, make-up tricks,hair secrets, everyday make-up, every day hair, madalina tanasa, royal rose bucharest, roses, red roses, rose box,soffitta lounge, soffitta boutique hotel, hotel bucharest, gorgeous boutique hotel, autumn outfit, casual chis, polka dots dress, beige trench coat, trenci, be, red lipstick,ruj rosu, get ready with me, larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa costea style, larisa costea make up, larisa costea hair, mysterious girl, the mysterious girl, fashion blog, style blog, inspiration, outfit of the day, feminine outfit, blog romanesc,blog romania, famous blog