11 Holiday Homes Tenerife

It is fhe first time we go to Tenerife in June and I loved that this month is less crowded and everything seemed more relaxed this time around. This is why we chose to stay at 11 Holiday Homes, that are basically 11 homes/apartments with terraces or front porches super well equipped for lovely barbecues outside. Our home had a big living room with an open kitchen with everything you might need to cook breakfast/lunch and dinner and two bedrooms upstairs (a master bedroom and a double room for kids or friends/family), a bathroom and the super large terrace. The garden is beautiful, right next to the ocean and we had access to their sunbeds and their three pools: a bigger one, one for the kids and a heated longer one that looked like a river with all those staelitzias and banana trees around. I would totally recommend you this place if you are looking for a relaxing place that really feels like home, great for families with kids or friend groups.

Book your next holiday with 11 HOLIDAY HOMES TENERIFE

To Tenerife, please!

Dupa cum ati observat deja, ne-am decis in ultimul moment sa petrecem Anul Nou la caldura, iar Tenerife a fost locatia perfecta la mai putin de 6 ore de Bucuresti. A fost primul Revelion petrecut in afara tarii, insa cu siguranta nu va fi ultimul

Ne-am bucurat super mult ca cei de la Wizz Air au aceste zboruri directe Bucuresti – Tenerife si ca in doar cateva ore poti schimba anotimpul si peisajul. Vremea este minunata in aceasta perioada a anului si am putut face plaja la aproape 30 de grade Celsius. Am vizitat intai partea de Nord a insulei, unde am mai fost acum doi ani si ne-a placut enorm, iar ulterior am vizitat si zona de Sud unde este mereu mai cald cu 2/3 grade ☀️🌴

De curand, Wizz Air a introdus si zboruri directe Bucuresti – Gran Canaria si am luat deja bilete pentru luna februarie. Gran Canaria este una dintre insulele mele preferate din Canare si abia astept sa ajung intr-o clipita, fara escale. Aceste doua destinatii mi se par pur si simplu perfecte pentru lunile de iarna. Va recomand sa petreceti cel putin 7 zile pe fiecare dintre insule si de asemenea, va puteti inchiria masina tot pe site-ul lor, pentru a explora cu usurinta Insulele Canare.

Bucurati-va si voi de cele mai frumoase experiente cu aceste rute directe de la WIZZ ✈️