Grand Residencia

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It is not our first time at Seaside Grand Hotel Residencia but this place never ceases to amaze me. I feel that last time we were here was gorgeous, but this time even better as we got to explore every little corner of their beautiful garden and saw it from a different perspective.

After a long break from traveling this gateway was all I needed and maybe this is also why I have enjoyed it so much. The staff there was as amazing as always, super helpful and discreet at the same time, which is always a blessing. The weather was extraordinary, not too hot, but not cold as the rest of Europe and the pool didn’t disappoint, of course. I really don’t know what more could I ad to my other review from exactly one year ago except that this place really feels like heaven and I would gladly return anytime.

They have taken all the safety measures during this time and everyone was wearing a mask at al times, except from when you were sitting on the sun bed, getting in the pool or eating and drinking. But most important everyone getting on the island and at the hotel has had a negative Covid test and that made me feel really safe. Also, the hygiene was impeccable as always.

I leave you the pictures to convince yourselves that this is the perfect warm destination, especially during this cold season and with the gloomy weather in the majority of the countries in Europe. It is always a place where you can recharge and relax.

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I was wearing:
Revolve white silk shirt, older
L’Academie white silky skirt from Revolve
Dolce Vita sandals from Shopbop
Accessorize silk rose hair clip
Cult Gaia bag

Location: Seaside Grand Hotel Residencia



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Stiu ca in perioada aceasta a sarbatorilor suntem foarte ocupati si mereu pe fuga, tocmai de aceea, in aceste momente tindem sa fim mai neatenti la ceea ce mancam. Am o solutie pentru aceia dintre voi ce se confrunta cu aceste probleme: lipsa timpului si pofta constanta de dulce. Eu am decis ca de aceste sarbatori voi manca foarte putina carne spre deloc, cat mai multe salate, insa nu-mi voi neglija nici pofta de dulce, consumand un shake proteic delicios de vanilie ce are exact aroma cremei de sarlota pe care o facea mama in copilarie. Lipozal Shake contine activi care reduc pofta de mancare si  grasimea corporala. Inlocuind masa de seara cu un shake slab caloric de 211 calorii, dar 100% satios vei scapa de senzatia de foame si de pofta de dulce in acelasi timp. Acesta are o formula 100% naturala, cu proteina din lapte de vaca, nutrienti si activi care ofera senzatia de satietate.

Eu il iau cu mine in zilele aglomerate cand stiu ca am mult de umblat pentru a nu mai fi obligata sa cumpar ceva de pe drum total nesanatos sau atunci cand am pofta de ceva dulce, mai ales seara. Un pliculet de Lipozal se dizolva in 200 ml de apa sau lapte si reduce pofta de mancare timp de aproximativ 6 ore.

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