Pocketful of poppies

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Am mostenit dragostea pentru flori de la mama mea si desi atunci cand eram mica nu imi placea cand ma punea sa le ud aproape in fiecare zi, acum am balconul plin de flori frumos colorate pe care le ingrijesc mereu. Pasiunea mea pentru flori nu se opreste aici si acum imi place sa le si port, de aceea sunt in cautare mereu de rochii cu print floral. Am gasit aceasta rochie cu maci colorati la Dainty Jewells si deja imi imaginam un shooting purtand-o intr-o mare de flori. Am cautat fundalul perfect pe toate stradutele pana cand am dat peste acest gard plin de hortensii si am asteptat sa apuna putin soarele arzator pentru a putea face cateva poze langa el.

Daca va cautati o rochie in culorile rosu, alb sau albastru sau cu un print cu doua din aceste culori, cei de la Dainty Jewells au reduceri intre 20 si 60% la rochiile in aceste culori.

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larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

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larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

larisa costea, larisa costea blog, the mysterious girl, the mysterious girl blog, fashion blog, blogger, fashion, fashionista, it girl, travel blog, travel, traveler, ootd, lotd, outfit inspiration,look of the day,outfit of the day,what to wear, floral print, flowers,hydrangeas, hortensii, cotroceni, fantana, fountain, poppies, pocket full of poppies, artesian well, hair extensions, dainty, dainty jewells,dainty jewells dress,discount, sales, floral dress,floral print, cute dress

I was wearing:

Dainty Jewells poppies dress
Asos nude sandals