White Rock Castle

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Hey Guys! V-am mai spus si in postarile anterioare ca acum doua weekend-uri am fost pana in Bulgaria pentru o mini vacanta cu parintii mei pentru a ne relaxa putin si desi am facut si cateva poze, ne-am si distrat. Acest lucru s-a datorat in primul rand hotelului in care am stat, White Rock Castle si super angajatilor lor si serviciilor pe care le ofera. Am ras cu lacrimi vazandu-l pe tata cum se arunca in piscina ca un rechin si pe mama ‘luptand’ petru viata ei pe colacul meu cu print de pepene. :)) A fost o pauza de care aveam mare nevoie  si mi-a placut super mult sa mergem la plaja din Balcic seara, la apus, insa momentele la piscina au fost preferatele mele. Au o piscina foarte mare si cu o zona dedicata copiilor (perfecta pentru mama), muzica buna si un bar cu bauturi reci, tot ce iti trebuie pentru putina relaxare. Camera noastra era super curata si frumoasa, foarte aproape de piscina, doar deschideam geamul si ne asezam pe sezlong.

Micul dejun era un bufet suedez cu de toate, de la fructe la omlete, o mare selectie de branzeturi, iaurt cu ovaz si fructul pasiunii si multe altele. Asa ca, in fiecare dimineata luam un mic dejun lenes, cum imi place mie sa ii spun, dupa mergeam la piscina, la pranz mergeam la unul din restaurantele din apropiere si la gradina botanica din Balcic ce era chiar vis-a-vis de hotel, iar spre apus plecam la o plimbare pe faleza pana la pontonul din lemn pe care l-ati vazut in postarea anterioara. A fost o escapada frumoasa si ma bucur ca am apucat sa mergem impreuna cu ai mei. Va recomand cu drag White Rock Castle pentru o vacanta linistita cu familia.

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larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

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larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019larisa costea,larisa costea blog, larisa style,larisa in bulgaria, balcic, balcik, balchic, botanical garden, queenmary botanical garden balchik, regina maria,gradina botanica a reginei maria, tularosa,jumpsuit, summer holiday, weekend escape, getaway, family vacation, striped jumpsuit, jellow stripes jumpsuit,long jumpsuit, btack straw hat, sensi studio hat,cult gata bag,bamboo bag, 10 euro dupe, primark, gold sandals,b the pool,pooltime,relax, fun,summer, vacation,best hotel, best destination, best location, short hair dont care,lob,long bob, new haircut, wood bag, bamboo bag, revolve, revolve me,revolve social club, bulgaria, hotel review, best destination, summer 2019

I was wearing:
Lovers and Friends jumsuit from Revolve
Sensi Studio hat
Primark round bamboo bag
Jessica Buurman sandals

Location: White Rock Castle